An important species (nationally scarce) found on the site is Ivy Broomrape.
The Holme reserve has a range of different habitats and a number of nationally scarce plants.
Magnesian limestone grassland is nationally scarce, with this site accounting for close to 8 percent of the national total.
Aquatic plant communities are exceptionally diverse with good populations of nationally scarce species.
The nationally scarce liverwort, Cephaloziella stellulifera is also present within the mine.
Regarded as nationally scarce, it is a snow-tolerant species.
It is listed as a nationally scarce British species and is in serious risk of extinction.
A number of nationally scarce species of beetle have already been recorded.
Several nationally scarce species of moth, beetle, bee and ant also occur.
Over 200 species of flowering plants have been recorded on the reserve, some of which are nationally scarce.