In 1970, public schools spent a nationwide average of about $750 a student.
This question can be answered by comparing the results with nationwide averages.
The turnout was 82.76%, higher than the nationwide average.
In all, the residents of 15 states had income gains that were a percentage point or more above the 4.3 percent nationwide average.
The nationwide average in that year was about 11.
This was good news, though it had the effect, as nationwide averages do, of obscuring local conditions.
The nationwide average for premium fuel was $2.95 yesterday, up from $2.88 on Wednesday and $2.42 a month ago.
The nationwide average for completing applications is more than one year.
In January of 2009, the nationwide average was $1.84.
Since then, they have risen one and a half percentage points and now stand at a nationwide average of 10.5 percent.