That effort, coordinated by the Justice Department, appears to be an attempt to show that the company had participated in a nationwide conspiracy to defraud patients and insurance companies.
Parents who oppose the plan call it a deception, part of a nationwide conspiracy to "dumb down" schools so they produce docile workers molded to meet industry's needs.
Such accusations seem to have fueled investigators' fears that the Ingram case was "the tip of the iceberg," the iceberg being a nationwide satanic conspiracy.
The organization sought to prove that the groups had formed a nationwide conspiracy to eliminate access to abortion by using extortion and intimidation to drive the clinics out of business.
As the retriever "Roman", Manjiro is getting involved in a nationwide conspiracy.
The suits, filed around the country under both Federal and state antitrust laws, asserted the existence of a nationwide conspiracy to fix cement prices.
Mr. Creighton said there was no evidence "of any nationwide conspiracy of groups directing attacks against clinics."
Her silence has seriously set back the Federal task force that is struggling to determine whether a nationwide criminal conspiracy exists to inflict violence on abortion doctors and clinics.
"We believe there is a nationwide conspiracy," Kim A. Gandy, executive vice president of the National Organization for Women, said in an interview today.
Trials took place in various parts of the country during 1989 and into 1990 of alleged Moslem extremists accused of involvement in a nationwide conspiracy.