Police officers are recruited by the Union Public Service Commission through a competitive nationwide examination.
Later that year he took a nationwide examination and successfully obtained a beautician license.
Student (called cadet) selection procedure started in December 2005 and after a nationwide competitive examination best girls were selected for admission.
To do so, the government issues school performance tables based on results in annual nationwide examinations, which newspapers publish in order of excellence.
The entry is through a nationwide competitive examination held every six months.
Previously about 50 students could get chance to study here through nationwide examination for admission to public mdical colleges of the country every year.
This is separate from the nationwide examination which every Turkish student must take in order to continue to high school (secondary education) after they complete their primary education.
Only 50 to 55 new cadets are selected from all over the country for each cadet college through a nationwide examination.
The nationwide examination of variable annuity sales practices, which is concentrating on the new bonuses, has been under way for nearly six months.
Today, Turkish students have to take a highly competitive nationwide examination in Turkey and typically score among the top 5000 in order to attend the school.