Pauline Markham already had a nationwide reputation as a burlesque dancer and songstress.
The blizzard was the kind of event from which Buffalo should have emerged with a nationwide reputation for resilience.
He achieved a nationwide reputation as superintendent of the Miami-Dade County schools for putting into place a system decentralized down to the individual school building.
Sapporo has a nationwide reputation for its beer, introduced in the 1870s by a German brewer who recognized the surrounding country's hop-growing potential.
During his period the college gained a nationwide reputation and most of its infrastructure was completed.
During his adolescence and early 20's, he acquired a nationwide reputation.
The public universities include some of the most selective and demanding higher learning institutions in the country, noted for high competitiveness and nationwide reputation.
During the 1980's, the city's telemarketers gained a nationwide reputation for their ability to handle any special event, any crisis.
Of particular interest to many prospective students are the Physician Assistant and Physical Therapy programs, for which the school has a nationwide reputation.
Mr. Spitzer has built a nationwide reputation as an aggressive pursuer of corporate malfeasance.