But opposition to nationwide standardized tests for elementary and high school students remains strong.
The gap in writing ability between white and minority students is even greater than previously indicated, according to the results of a nationwide test released today.
The first ever nationwide test of the system is planned for November 9th 2011.
While the system is often tested at the local level, there has never been a nationwide, top-to-bottom, test of the system.
I'm a little surprised the system has never had a nationwide test before.
The first nationwide test will be conducted Wednesday, November 9 at 2 p.m. eastern.
Why do we need a nationwide test of the EAS?
The lessons learned from the Alaska tests will inform how the agencies conduct the nationwide test.
Ancient China was the first country in the world that implemented a nationwide standardized test, which was called the imperial examination.
These are the first nationwide tests designed to compare student performance across states and school districts.