The assassination led to a nationwide wave of Mass racial violence in the United States in more than 100 cities.
A nationwide wave of protest against the denunciation sends thousands of fan letters to newspaper editors.
Despite the urging of many leaders, the assassination led to a nationwide wave of riots in more than 100 cities.
He won the race on November 2, 2010, in a nationwide wave of Republicans being elected to Congress.
These deaths were not localized, but came in nationwide waves simultaneously with UFO waves.
The Second Great Awakening was a nationwide wave of revivals, from 1790 to 1840.
This ruling triggered a nationwide wave of violence against Jehovah's Witnesses that lasted for the next several months.
But back in the 8os, when the issue provoked a nationwide wave of hysteria, there were other innocent victims: child-care workers themselves!
The announcement of the government's plan for price rises immediately sparked a nationwide wave of panic buying.
A nationwide wave of protests by unemployed workers and students against the government's austerity plans appeared to lose strength today.