His native Bavaria recognized him with the Bavarian Golden Medal for Bravery.
In the 1950s he had been a member of the Christian Social Union in his native Bavaria.
A few months before his death he returned to Starnberg in his native Bavaria.
Boso continued his missionary labours, but died on a visit to his native Bavaria.
Schmued left his native Bavaria for Brazil in 1925, seven years after World War I had shattered the German economy.
He learned his trade in his native Bavaria, as did Charles Looff, who made the carousel greyhound.
Eickemeyer's father had fled to New York in the early 1850s following political upheavals in his native Bavaria, and became a noted inventor.
He began his career playing amateur football in his native Bavaria, before being signed by FC Bayern Munich in 1976.
The young chef, recently arrived in Paris from his native Bavaria, is not sure what to make of the woman's peremptory question: Who are you?
Returning to Germany in 1922, he was living in his native Bavaria when he first heard Hitler speak in a Munich beer hall.