Dr. Lax received his medical training in his native Budapest, where he served as chief of medicine of Jewish Hospital.
Born György Sebestyén, he studied first the piano and violin in his native Budapest, before turning to composition.
The play's heroine was a Zionist who, at the age of 17, left her native Budapest to join a kibbutz in Palestine.
He was cremated and his ashes were returned to his native Budapest.
Gyula Zsivótzky died in his native Budapest from cancer, aged 70.
Mr. von Zerneck was a news photographer in his native Budapest.
He left his native Budapest during the uprising of 1956 with his brother Otto Schultz.
Mrs. Leiber remembers that while growing up as Judith Peto in her native Budapest, "My mother loved beautiful bags.
Mr. Gottlieb had been a raincoat manufacturer in his native Budapest and set up a similar business in Israel.
Becoming more shrill and angry at each detractor's critique, Semmelweis abruptly left Vienna in 1849 for his native Budapest without even telling those who supported him.