Despite the balmy climate of their native California, cold ocean currents make local beaches inhospitable during the winter.
In retirement, he operated an insurance business and raised and trained horses in his native California.
In New York City he met his future wife, Hope, and soon moved to her native California.
However, he was killed in October 1949, aged 42, following a motorcycle accident in his native California.
Janov originally practiced conventional psychotherapy in his native California.
He left Scotland right away to meet her in her native California.
Unida reformed in 2012 for some live shows in their native California.
He had heard about a number of folk festivals in his native California, and he wanted to stage a rock festival in a country setting.
In the oral literature of native California, the lines between these genres are typically not at all carefully observed.
He had an elaborate scheme for the secession of his native California, featuring himself as the head of a military coup.