Harris, Enos, and Hewitt, all native Californians, moved back to their home state at the start of 2004.
How did the two native Californians wind up in the wine business?
This influx has stirred resentment in some native Californians, who sometimes find they cannot even order a meal in English.
The team, meanwhile, has persistently treated Dailey as a tour guide because he is one of their few native Californians.
Few textbooks on California history mentioned the Bloody Island incident or abuse of the native Californians.
The two, who are native Californians, met through friends and married a year ago.
Their average age is about 20, and most are native Californians.
Today, the Native Sons welcome native Californians of all races.
At one side working some distance from the stream were small groups of native Californians or Mexicans.
Even native Californians have moved north.