His only concern is being away from his native Croatia for so long.
Pokrajac started his professional MMA career in 2003, primarily competing in his native Croatia.
Posip is made in his small winery in his native Croatia.
For Majoli, the victory was her only major mark of brilliance, a career watershed celebrated in her native Croatia, and one that now seems like a faded postcard.
While living in his native Croatia, he often taught in the church and served for a brief period as interim pastor of a church in Zagreb.
With his family, he spends part of the summers in his native Croatia.
Ivanisevic revealed that his support squad now includes a Catholic priest, Father Josip, from his native Croatia.
Fleeing war in her native Croatia and driving throughout Europe in search of a welcoming mountain did not discourage her.
Within a few years after her retirement, he returned to his native Croatia, dying in 1982.