A man who might not even be safe in his native Czechoslovakia.
His family settled there after fleeing his native Czechoslovakia in 1939, when he was five years old.
Her international career began in 1983 when she traveled from her native Czechoslovakia to France to play in a tournament for girls 14 and younger.
After fleeing to Britain from his native Czechoslovakia, he established business relationships with the communist dictators of the old eastern Europe.
In 1938, at the age of 16, he started for his native Czechoslovakia.
Her parents twice fled their native Czechoslovakia, first to escape Fascism, then Communism.
Maybe a few more of the tuneful folk songs of her native Czechoslovakia.
Mr. Meinhard went to his native Czechoslovakia and ended up spending five years in a concentration camp.
His life not only spans that of his native Czechoslovakia, but also embraces its history.
Hašek started playing hockey at the age of six in his native Czechoslovakia.