Still a teenager, she fled her native Ecuador to America, where she lives with relatives in the Bronx.
He was politicized in his native Ecuador, where a military junta ruled the country during the early 1960's.
He fled to his native Ecuador, then spent the next 25 years enjoying a quiet life that included frequent trips to the United States.
Despite being just 22, he was the captain of Deportivo Quito, his only ever club team in his native Ecuador.
One night in April, Teresa Rungoo returned exhausted from a vacation in her native Ecuador and quickly slipped into bed.
In January 2012, Montaño returned to his native Ecuador to play for his old team Barcelona.
Rennella returned to his native Ecuador in 1924 to join its fledgling air force as a Capitano.
Another woman, Julie Toledo, said she learned "two words of English in two months" in her native Ecuador.
But his talent was still recognized even far from his native Ecuador.
They have been on loan to a team in their native Ecuador.