According to Egyptian and Western security officials, the sheik commands a limited following of about 10,000 to 15,000 young supporters in his native Egypt.
Sharif lived in his native Egypt from birth in 1932 until he moved to Europe in 1965.
Mahmud Abouhalima was arrested in his native Egypt on March 14, 1993.
Each part is cut and painted with abstract Arabic motifs, derived from the art of her native Egypt.
Ahmed was introduced to race horses in his early teens while competing in national show jumping events in his native Egypt.
An immigration agent, relaying the investigators' message, said that if he did not cooperate he would be deported to his native Egypt, the lawyer said.
How, after the calamity, a certain former dining-room captain returned to his native Egypt for a few months to clear his head.
Vulcan reminded Cleante of her native Egypt in so many things, and everything else was an adventure.
After leaving his native Egypt, he may have traveled to several countries such as Afghanistan, Syria and Jordan for terrorist training.
He came to agree with their notions of Sharia law, and became a vocal advocate of Islamic rule for his native Egypt.