Widely admired in her native Estonia and elsewhere, Memories Denied could bring that country's history alive for many others too.
The group is extremely popular in their native Estonia, with the girls seen as a-list celebrities in the Baltic countries.
Adamson attended schools in his native Estonia before relocating to Berlin to study at the Charlottenburg Art and Crafts School.
It was his last tournament he would ever play in, as on his way back to his native Estonia, he died from a heart attack.
Mr. Valtman's anti-communism had its origins in his native Estonia, where he drew his first cartoon as a 15-year-old.
During the war, his native Estonia was successively occupied by the Soviet Union, Germany and again the Soviet Union.
His death occurred while returning to his native Estonia from a tournament in Vancouver, which he had won.
Vaino has been a member of many youth national teams with his native Estonia.
Kaire Vilgats has also performed with the Estonian Police Orchestra and a number of more orchestras and groups in her native Estonia.