In 1967, Malcolm Moos became the first native Minnesotan and alumnus to serve as a University of Minnesota president.
John Tue Dec 13, 2011 01:00 pm PST Report Abuse Lindsey is a native Minnesotan not originally from Colorado.
Fred Bruckbauer, the first native Minnesotan to play for the Minnesota Twins, seemed to spend more of his career at the Mayo Clinic, nursing a bad arm, than on any team.
His debut was Red Earth, White Earth, about a native Minnesotan returning to his home town due to conflicts between white farmers and local Native Americans.
The diminutive Millen, like Broten a native Minnesotan, never quite established himself in New Jersey and rarely enjoyed Lemaire's good graces.
"It's big here," said Darby Hendrickson, the only native Minnesotan playing for the Wild.
"Some would say it's like the accent and speech pattern," said Ken Goff, the chef at Dakota, who is a native Minnesotan.
Rhymesayers Entertainment is mainly composed of native Minnesotans as well as nationally recognized artists including Jake One, Freeway, Evidence, and MF Doom, who has released one album, Mm.
"There are two great feelings," he proclaimed, sounding like a native Minnesotan.
A native Minnesotan, Orfield received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago and travels annually to Latin America, where his research work is now expanding.