Scarpinato was a prolific painter of genre scenes and vedute of his native Sicily.
Although a priest, he adhered to the mythological con- vention and named the new body Ceres, after the tutelary goddess of his native Sicily.
Pittala, who died in his native Sicily last month at 68, earned his second world title and contributed to the victory on the diagramed deal.
That year he travelled back to his native Sicily to visit his mother.
Mr. Foresta immigrated to Astoria, Queens, from his native Sicily in 1956.
In his early 20s Martorano had relocated from his native Sicily to Philadelphia.
Officials had him taken from the cruise liner with his wife and son before it docked in Catania, in his native Sicily.
Less than an hour's flight away from my native Sicily, the tragedy of two peoples with which we share friendship, history, culture and trade is continuing along its inexorable course.
He then worked as head coach of Trapani in the Serie D league, and as a scout in his native Sicily for Juventus.
For the last 15 years, Judge Falcone led a crusade against the Mafia octopus, which has gripped his native Sicily for centuries.