At age four, Headley began playing the music of her native Trinidad, including calypso, and soca.
His views on black people in his native Trinidad are shocking:
Another drug dealer breaks into tears and begs to be deported to his native Trinidad.
He hopes soon to observe the guppies in their native Trinidad to see if they perform similarly in the wild.
As a youngster, he eagerly pored over atlases of the world and his native Trinidad.
Boldon is 24 and runs for his native Trinidad.
The line was delivered with exactly the right timing, with a trace of a lilt of her native Trinidad.
Garth Marcelline, standing on the church steps, 2,000 miles north of his native Trinidad, agreed and elaborated.
She said she brought him to New York from their native Trinidad when he was just a toddler.
Ms. Joseph asked in the lilting tones of her native Trinidad.