This example shows how small mis-introduced organisms can alter the native biodiversity in large ecosystems.
By doing so they are contributing to the maintenance and restoration of native biodiversity.
Commonly mono-specific and/or composed of introduced tree species, these ecosystems are not generally important as habitat for native biodiversity.
Extensive wetlands are a feature of the region and provide significant habitat for native biodiversity.
It has caused great economic loss in agriculture in southwestern China, and is threatening the native biodiversity there.
However, one danger in grazing is the potential for invasive species to be enhanced as well as the native biodiversity.
Others are intentional redesigns of human landscapes to better accommodate native biodiversity.
There are many grazing practices that also encourage native biodiversity.
Protection and careful management of our native biodiversity, landscapes and cultural heritage.
Ecoagriculture also identifies the conservation of native biodiversity and ecosystems as an equally important goal in its own right.