However the native royal dynasty was restored with the accession of Edward the Confessor in 1042.
There is much confusion concerning the last counts of Provence of the first and native dynasty.
There were a total of three of these independent native dynasties.
After the period of Macedonian rule, northern India was controlled in turn by native dynasties and invading tribes from beyond the mountains.
The most famous of the native dynasties were the Maurya and the Gupta.
It was the third native dynasty of ancient Iran (after the Median and the Achaemenid dynasties).
Khendjer was, therefore, the earliest known Semitic king of a native Egyptian dynasty.
Ever since, the city had had an Algarvian look to it, though a native dynasty soon supplanted the foreigners.
The native dynasty came to an end, but the city continued to flourish.
Its style is beautiful, being of the best period of the Egyptian Renaissance under the last native dynasties.