The fact that English is becoming a global pidgin gives those of us with native fluency a huge travelers' advantage.
Due to the cultural assimilation of Turkish immigrants in host countries, not all ethnic Turkish immigrants speak the language with native fluency.
Korean-speaking minorities exist in these states, but because of cultural assimilation into host countries, not all ethnic Koreans may speak it with native fluency.
However most German-descended Argentinians do not speak German with native fluency (that role has been taken by Spanish).
In two days we will all be rested and refreshed, darker of skin and hair, and speaking Espanol with a native fluency.
We sought native fluency in the languages of the Middle East and South Asia, combined with policy, military, business, technical, or academic experience.
However, because of cultural assimilation of Turkish immigrants and their descendants in host countries, not all ethnic Turks speak the Turkish language with native fluency.
She had also been a schoolteacher and could read, write, and speak Cambodian with native fluency.
She possesses native fluency in Mandarin and is also fluent in Korean.
As a recent transplant to North Carolina, I haven't yet reached native fluency in the language of barbecue.