It is also likely that trails of native large herbivores may have promoted habitat for this species in historic times.
Dinner began-meat from a native herbivore, vegetables grown from Earthly seed.
Eons of evolution had equipped the jacar tree's umbrella leaves with chemical defenses to keep native herbivores at bay.
Shadscale fruits and leaves provide important winter browse for both domestic livestock and native herbivores.
Silencing of a germin-like gene in Nicotiana attenuata improves performance of native herbivores.
Decreased resistance and increased tolerance to native herbivores of the invasive plant Sapium sebiferum.
When established, tutsan can be dangerous because it is very difficult to remove and is very unpalatable to both native and introduced herbivores.
However, the snail could seriously impact directly on fynbos plants, by feeding on them, and also displace native herbivores by competing with them for resources, and these effects have not been studied.
It is the largest native herbivore there.
The only native large herbivores now missing from Oostvaardersplassen are the elk, the wild boar and the wisent.