Beginning in 1912, he organized and, for nearly twenty years, led native resistance to Italian colonization of Libya.
By November 6, they reached the village of Prophetstown, the center of the native resistance.
The colonial push for religious conversion collided with native resistance to assimilation.
For both leaders, the opening to the West was also a gambit to import and unleash forces that would overwhelm the native resistance to change.
The nature of native resistance to the continued onslaught of the invading industrial culture is shaped accordingly.
French tactics changed to counter the swift guerrilla attacks of the native resistance.
Trotha, however, planned to crush the native resistance through military force.
The use of the new techniques by indigenous groups later became a disputed factor in native resistance to the colonial and American governments.
Due to strong native resistance, this early Spanish settlement only lasted a few years, but the chapel remains.
The Comanche tribe was one of the main sources of native resistance in the west.