Established foxes in Tasmania could devastate native mammals, livestock, ground-nesting birds and native rodents.
The cloud rats are a group of arboreal and folivorous nocturnal rodents native to the forests of the Philippines.
A comparison of radiation response, cyanide toxicity and sulfur transferase activity in native North American rodents (subscription required).
In arid environments where rabbits do not occur, native rodents are taken.
Octodon is a genus of octodontid rodents native to South America.
Kangaroo rats, genus Dipodomys, are small rodents native to North America.
It was kitten-sized and was one of Australia's largest native rodents.
These animals are the only native rodents of Madagascar, come in many shapes and sizes, and occupy a wide variety of ecological niches.
The house mouse is a successful invader of disturbed environments and habitats that have lost native rodents.
No; not because the settlers ran out of food, but because the native rodents did.