Meanwhile, cooperative assembly of the tertiary structure is important for the folding of the native structure.
The idea is that a protein folding into its native structure is done automatically by the protein's amino acid sequence.
A full-wall one-way transparency gave a view of surrounding native structures.
The roof of the Chamber was shaped like a dome, which, as the result of luck or divine providence echoed the native structure above.
Levinthal also suggested that the native structure might have a higher energy, if the lowest energy was not kinetically accessible.
This usage of even is borrowed from native grammatical structure.
The British leaned on existing native political structures and hierarchy, particularly the traditional rulers for political consultation and tax collection.
The chains conformational options become increasingly narrowed ultimately toward one native structure.
Glooberville was an odd mix of native and offworld structures.
The centralized system incorporated preexisting lower level divisions, and adopted the native chiefly structure.