I've let you struggle along by yourself at first in order that you may see the traps that native wit alone will fall into.
As a political commentator, Ionesco replaces solemnity with native wit and malice.
As usual, with my native wit and massive experience, I had no trouble picking the losing side to sign on with.
You'll have to rely on your native wit.
The other boys either had enormous appetites for books of many kinds, or they had native wit.
But be warned that you will need more than your native wits to make it to the end.
The bride, Raney, told her story with energy, forthright ignorance and delightful native wit.
He'd relied on his own native wit and trained intelligence once he'd sobered up enough.
Most of them have no native wit, so when they try to be funny it falls flat.
I've read books and listened to philosophers, and to common folk with native wit.