In many nations, immigrants often do the kind of work that native-born residents look down on.
But in recent years California's growth has been driven by foreign immigrants and native-born residents.
Western Sahara is also home of 100 native-born Spanish residents.
But they did acknowledge the political power of neighborhoods with more native-born residents, which typically have a higher percentage of citizens.
The immigration service, for example, keeps records of people who are naturalized citizens, but not native-born residents.
Indeed, for the first time in decades, people who moved here from other states now outnumber native-born residents of Montana.
Many Hispanic New Yorkers are not yet citizens, and nearly half the city's native-born black residents are too young.
Because the immigrants are younger and more fertile on average than native-born residents, particularly the Dominicans, they are rapidly creating a large second generation.
That immigrants replaced native-born residents, rather than just adding to them, intensifies their cultural effect, especially in the cities where most have settled.
Professor Steahr said one of the most remarkable aspects of the immigration is the extent to which it has gone unnoticed by native-born residents.