A guard once told me they were mother and daughter and once I said to the natty man, "Great dogs," and he replied, "Thank you" and kept moving.
Renfrew invited us inside, and we followed the natty man down the narrow hallway, through the green door that had been padlocked when we'd last seen it.
Mr. Wohlberg, a small, natty man with a perpetual smile, also studied the psychology of humor and had a ready wit.
Over the years, the two men - both garrulous and natty and connoisseurs of New York crime - became close friends.
"I will miss this place," Mr. Moore, a gray, lean, natty man, confessed in his seventh-floor office, wisps of Alabama in his accent.
The door opened and Nicholas gave a name, not his own, to a natty young man he detested on sight.
There were several other men in the room, hands in pockets, hats on, natty but very dark and Italian.
A small, natty man of Mexican background, Ray was the only agent who didn't put his feet on the coffee table.
Robert Strachan was a natty man of small stature, only slightly taller than Viola.
A natty man with a well-trimmed mustache and beard, he is at home in every inch of the center, and, indeed, prides himself on being the face with whom the place is identified.