But as more and more tourists flocked to the area, his romantic images of Yosemite as an unpopulated natural wonderland grew increasingly distant from reality.
That sign is set against a bucolic landscape, a plainspoken, natural wonderland in its own right.
In spring, the Wold turns into a natural wonderland with the melt of snow.
Wilderness lovers will rejoice in this natural wonderland, where grizzlies, wolves, elk and caribou roam wild.
Some considered the rocky wilderness of Forest Guard Station to be beautiful, a pristine and natural wonderland.
In the middle of this sprawling natural wonderland is a man-made triumph.
The island is a natural wonderland.
Jack slowed his vehicle to a gentie glide as he entered a natural wonderland, a deep ocean oasis.
Take a bus ride through this natural wonderland and try to spot grizzlies and caribou.
The interior lagoon (which was created by sand dredging in 1968) has become a natural wonderland and home to such species as seahorses and barracuda.