Or how about getting into bed with the Tories, NuLab's natural bedfellows.
Regarding both PR and civil liberties, Labour and the Lib Dems are more natural bedfellows that with the Tories.
Acting as an umbrellas for college radio in French public Universities, it proves that there is strength in numbers, and that music, technology and education are natural bedfellows.
Fear and laughter-they're natural bedfellows.
LEAD: Television and poetry are not natural bedfellows.
Humans and alligators are not natural bedfellows, and the two should not mix at events such as photo shoots.
"And 19th-century furniture and contemporary art don't make natural bedfellows," he observed.
I've always thought Labour and the US Republicans were natural bedfellows.
He also described the Conservatives as "not our natural bedfellows."
They were Ian Macleod and Enoch Powell, who were not natural bedfellows, but who for the moment had got into a huddle.