Belleoram enjoys a large harbour and shelter from the sea, protected by a natural breakwater.
Banks that form a natural breakwater for two great sounds into which rivers flow?
The coral reef reduces the coastal erosion and forms a natural breakwater.
Even with a hard wind, the shallows act as a natural breakwater, keeping waves to a minimum.
We afterwards found that this coral reef extended quite round the island, and formed a natural breakwater to it.
Coral reefs form a lagoon or lake and are natural breakwaters.
The soldier made his way along the beach until he reached a natural breakwater.
The shoals act as natural breakwater for the Halligen and other islands further east.
More dangerous perhaps, stripping reefs impairs their vital role as natural breakwaters, which can take half a century to recover.
The port has a natural breakwater facing the wharves called Shialbet Island.