With his natural buoyancy of spirits, he began to hope again.
They were helpless in the strong current, and the water was so full of bubbles that it defeated their bodies' natural buoyancy, officials here said.
Anyone can easily float in the Dead Sea because of natural buoyancy.
He could see nothing but he trusted to his natural buoyancy to take him the right way.
The natural buoyancy of water reduces body weight to only 10 percent of what it is on land.
In spite of the suit's lead weights, he constantly seemed to be fighting his natural buoyancy.
He allowed his natural buoyancy to float him toward the surface.
I forced myself to hold still until natural buoyancy made me sure of my direction.
She drifted for a moment, evidently trying to see, but her natural buoyancy took over, and after a few seconds she began assisting it.
A grip on Ortnahme's belt added its pull to the warrant leader's natural buoyancy.