Mestre lost the primaries; but he established a name as a natural candidate for the 1995 elections.
Teams that go abroad on tour without being defeated are natural candidates for this recognition.
"We already had both oil and gas in the building, so it was a natural candidate for the switchover."
Two, because he did not look like a natural candidate for long life.
So it isn't clear which gender is the more natural candidate for getting soaked at the cleaners.
Donald Trump described himself as a natural candidate for "the working men and women in the center."
His son seems the natural candidate to fill at least part of the void.
In fact, by the time their daughter applied to Princeton in 1986, she seemed like a natural candidate.
"He's not necessarily a natural candidate, but I don't think voters are looking for that anymore," he said.
Music was so central to the storytelling in those two pictures that they were natural candidates for adaptation.