The skins should be natural casings which are made from the intestines of either sheep or pig.
The most popular variety of hot dog in Maine is made with natural casing.
The sausage is then stuffed into natural casings in 1-foot links - usually using the small intestine of the pig.
It is a cold smoked pork sausage in a natural casing and has been a traditional dish since the mid 19th century.
It is the natural casing that gives the best hot dogs their wondrous snap and bite.
A pound or more, it is enclosed in a natural casing.
It is then stuffed into natural or artificial casings and slowly dried over smoke.
Look for sausages that are not shrink-wrapped, short ingredient lists, natural casings and a firm, dry texture.
For a frank made with a natural casing, the griddle is best.
Usually described as a Polish sausage, it is a mixture of pork and beef with seasonings in a natural casing.