Juak are colored with natural coloring and covered with sugar or coated in honey.
These products still contain plastics, but most use natural coloring.
In Polish heraldry all animals or birds are assumed to be in their natural coloring unless otherwise specified.
His face turned almost as milky pale as her natural coloring.
Color analysis is the process of determining the colors that best suit an individual's natural coloring.
Some, but perhaps not all, korai were painted, with colorful drapery and their skin possessing a natural coloring.
About a week before the concert, Melissa decided she didn't like the red hair, so she reverted to her natural blond coloring.
The untrained eye mistakes darkly stained rocks and beaches for natural coloring.
A second step can add color to the liquid using artificial or natural coloring.
I'd recommend a dark brown or auburn, something that fits your natural coloring.