When this natural empathy was combined with more traditional counseling methods, the result was positive for everyone.
Or maybe it was her natural empathy making her imagine feelings that whoever lived here might have had.
Chopping off all natural empathy, he worked his way towards Gravy who was cleaning the blood from a burly gunner's face.
One is that he has a natural empathy for Spain.
They share a natural empathy with the concerns of that class which, as we have noted, may not be redistribution towards the less well off.
Instead, our morality has a Darwinian explanation: altruistic genes, selected through the process of evolution, give people natural empathy.
Ms. Price, who will also take her reading to grade schools in Chicago and other cities, has a natural empathy for children from underprivileged backgrounds.
He might be only a simple carpenter, but he had more natural empathy than any Human I had met so far.
He had a natural empathy with the musicians and singers he met.
Despite her natural empathy, Kes felt a surge of relief.