Gradually Smithe was returning to his natural hue.
Anything was better than the natural hue of an ogre.
The wood is unstained and lightly varnished, its natural hues ranging from cinnamon through rich walnut to mahogany.
Her makeup is now subtle and based on natural, not neon, hues.
When it had returned to its natural hue, a figure stood in front of it.
Home bakers in the South may have decided to exaggerate cocoa's natural hue with food coloring and - Eureka!
Stay within a few shades of your natural hue, so your hair doesn't look artificial.
Hair must be in a neat hairstyle and should be in a natural hue.
The brilliant golden colour is the natural hue of the silk.
Silence hung heavy between them as the vivid natural hues of the courtyard turned suddenly bleak.