It is also consumed as a natural laxative.
It works because it's extremely high in fiber and contains a natural laxative called sorbitol.
Fruit are a natural laxative in humans.
Insoluble fibers act as natural laxatives and are thought to be important in preventing some intestinal ailments, including colon cancer.
The active ingredient of Pluto water was listed as sodium and magnesium sulfate, which are known as natural laxatives.
Consult your doctor before taking laxatives, or try natural laxatives like bran and prunes.
People can usually conquer constipation by eating natural laxatives such a fruits, fruit juice and dietary supplements.
Results indicated lower costs, more natural and regular bowel movements, and increased ease of administration with natural laxatives.
Even though generalization from these findings was limited by small sample size, additional exploration of natural laxatives in cancer patient populations might be useful.
Wheat bran can be highly effective as a natural laxative.