Billboards and an interstate highway now hide the lake's natural loveliness, but then, as now, a select few appreciated the secrets of this gem of the desert.
The first Schumann group has a natural loveliness and was well served.
One glance was enough to tell me what she was, for such beauty and glamor are unreal, passing all natural loveliness.
Nor did they omit to call upon us to admire the natural loveliness of their own abode, and the lavish abundance with which it produced all manner of luxuriant fruits; exalting it in this particular above any of the surrounding valleys.
It was a vista of natural loveliness.
At other moments, you are struck by the natural loveliness of the lake and its surrounding hills, or by the handsome, high-cheekboned faces of many of the Tanzanians.
They had been taught to feel threatened by the natural loveliness of the Earth.
Khetala, Chiura, and Jana watched, almost as glued to their vantage seats in the "tiring room," speechless with the beauty they were seeing, and the subtle ways which natural loveliness could be enhanced.
Worry and lack of sleep had combined to defeat her natural loveliness.
Her chin had a perfect curve; and the flush of anger that had come to her soft cheek gave a final touch to her beauty - a loveliness so natural that Irene did not appear to realize that she possessed it.