At last we stopped and sat on a natural outcrop of red rock with our backs to the town below and looking up into the hills.
As a foil to the luxuriant plantings, there are great natural outcrops of rocks.
Flat Rock was named for the natural outcrop which surrounded the settlement.
Some rock gardens are designed and built to look like natural outcrops of bedrock.
The island itself was curiously symmetrical, a perfect oval, too perfect to be a natural outcrop of sand and rock.
At the very top of the hill is a natural outcrop known as the Banbury Stone.
Boley Hill is a natural outcrop of rock, and could have acted as a motte.
It consists of a natural outcrop enveloped by a giant man-made ring cairn and was thought to have been a religious focal point.
Gaunt wasn't sure if they were natural outcrops, and their spacing and linear form seemed to suggest otherwise.
An outcrop of stone, apparently natural, had been carved into a demon's face.