The expanse under the towering pines made a natural but unmarked pathway.
In some places, the track went along natural pathways, so it was largely self-evident, with little choice to make a mistake.
Smooth valleys tended to form between the towering dunes, and these valleys became natural pathways.
In the natural biosynthetic pathway, K252c is a precursor of staurosporine.
They were buried in a tumulus that sits at the intersection of several natural pathways through the Dales.
They were on an incline, a natural pathway that spiraled up this mountain.
This method of construction respects the natural pathway of the dry river at demanding intervals.
Those corridors then become natural pathways, not just for recreation, but also for wild animals that live in ever-shrinking habitats.
Energy flowed along the wires; electricity followed its natural pathway in this semitech hex.
In this case, the high thermal conductance of the substrate will act as a natural pathway for the rejected heat.