The natural perversity of the universe tends to a maximum.
Ray was so fussy about the punctilious observ- ance of orders that almost any brakeman would take a chance once in a while, from natural perversity.
Lady Adella primly folded her lips together and remarked with her natural perversity, "I think Claude, that the child is much too young for marriage.
But her words roused his natural perversity.
"I just won't, then," returned Tom, with the natural perversity of his tribe.
I took no notice of him, and by the natural perversity of human nature, he began to take notice of me.
In the natural perversity of things, this ought to be the hour Illyan called him in, when he was tired and half-drunk and unfit to report.
This advice, acting upon the natural perversity of his disposition, generally soothed him, and he ceased punching his head.
With the natural perversity of small children, he seemed to be fascinated by Bonnet's Irish lilt, and kept turning his head to stare at the stranger.
He did not understand why, but Mrs. Jo did, and, knowing the natural perversity of the human mind, counted on it to help her now.