Though he had always been sentimental, he had no natural piety, so his survival made him arrogant and more obnoxious.
They breathe the fervour of an island patriotism (humorously aware of its limits) and of a simple natural piety.
The feeling behind all of them, apart from the diagrams, could reasonably be described as Wordsworthian - "natural piety"; and to clinch matters there is also a scrap of paper on which Constable copied out Wordsworth's poem "The Rainbow."
He had a natural piety which made him delight in the celebration of memorial feasts.
Bound each to each by natural piety.
At the great moments of life-success, failure, marriage, death-our kind of folks have always possessed a native instinct for behavior, a natural piety or grace, I don't mind calling it.
Rama's natural piety and compassion, his sense of justice and duty, as well as his courage despite great personal suffering after Sita's kidnapping inspire devotion from the Vanaras and Sugriva, but especially Hanuman, Sugriva's minister.
The Child is father of the Man; And I could wish my days to be Bound each to each by natural piety.
Crabbe had a good knowledge of Latin and a natural piety that was evident to all of his acquaintances, and was well read in the scriptures.
The critic continued: "Tranströmer's new poems are permeated by a completely natural piety.