Much to his surprise, he also discovered that his upbringing gave him a natural predisposition toward design.
Quite generally, in fact, you have a good natural predisposition for klatha manipulation.
Caccioli had a natural predisposition for the art of painting.
With the Quintaglios' natural predisposition towards territorial aggression, it is only a matter of time before civil war erupts.
First, little in the current geographical distribution of American overseas investment suggests a natural predisposition to sink dollars into the desert.
This is natural selection in its simplest form, and it's the key to whether humans have a natural predisposition to survive - if we're wired that way.
He found in himself, however, a natural predisposition to mathematics, logic and aesthetics.
What it is is I have a natural predisposition to put a bunch of stuff out there when I can.
Despite their natural predisposition as enemies, they share a common bond and begin meeting regularly.