The good news is that, with care, you can restore your skin's natural radiance and wear that swimsuit with confidence.
The lichen that covered the rocks glowed, providing a natural radiance that supplemented the artificial lighting given off by the equipment.
The Gel and Moisturizer prolong and accentuate a golden tan, highlighting natural radiance.
The discourses indicate that the mind's natural radiance can be made manifest by meditation.
Four tail phantoms materialized in the moonlight, smothering the natural radiance in the glow of their vitredur armor.
Ms. Atkinson, an artisan of natural radiance and filigree stage technique, is much cherished by theater connoisseurs, rather as her contemporary Cherry Jones is.
We have finally come to realise that the fine texture of a beautiful English rose skin needs only a translucent wash of colour to promote its much-envied natural radiance.
Self-serious films like "Closer," which tamp down her natural radiance, do her no favors.
Better, Corrente brings out the natural radiance in his young actors.
Ms. Waterston's Yelena, lovely to look at in her gowns, possesses little of the natural radiance you hope for.