Shanamir showed no ill effects: Deliamber's care and the natural resilience of youth had restored his vitality.
Due to our natural resilience and desire to live, discover and perpetuate the species, this common bond would be positive, not negative.
His findings include that a natural resilience is the main component of grief and trauma reactions.
But despite his resources and his natural resilience Ogo is gradually worn down.
Kintoki fighting style is stout and strong, built heavily around his natural resilience.
The natural resilience of his young mind had half accepted the spectacle that had opened in front of him.
The four limbs were splayed outward, held against a natural resilience by plastic straps.
Ecosystems can better adapt and survive acidification if natural resilience is preserved.
He was steadier already, due to his own natural resilience and the help of King Carus, whose life had been war.
Never underestimate the natural resilience of children, she thought.