For frequencies above the natural resonance of the driver, the reflex alignment has no influence.
Sound reflections create standing waves that produce natural resonances that can be heard as a pleasant sensation or an annoying one.
Later, an investigation revealed that the tail structure had failed on the new design from what is known as "natural resonance, or period of vibration".
Profiting by the natural resonance of the building, one can achieve an uplifting buoyancy in musical ebb and flow.
"The microphone gets all the natural resonance of the guitar, which the direct pickup misses," Whitfield says.
It has however gained a significant following after release for its natural resonance and bright and deep tone.
He favors semi-hollow guitars due to their natural resonance.
The vibration galvanometer is used for detecting alternating currents in the frequency of its natural resonance.
The hole eliminates much of the drum's natural resonance and creates a drier, punchier sound with a more defined attack.
The result was a semi-acoustic instrument that was feedback-resistant while retaining natural resonances.