Similarly it was good policy to let Singledon carry the theme that was the natural sequel.
The story of his escape supplies a natural sequel to the adventure, and as such it is now added to the volume.
To him, it seems like a natural sequel to the policies he pushed in the 1990s.
There is, however, another institution which is the natural sequel to this, and would be excellent, if it existed anywhere, but at present it does not.
But best of all, I was now guaranteed the natural sequel to a hunting invitation extended to a great chef: some gourmet game.
The Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth appeared in 1805, and was a natural sequel to his previous work of history.
The giveaway also seemed a natural sequel to a measure passed in 1995 to provide royalty relief.
The newly remodeled galleries have their natural sequel in the later-20th-century rooms on the lower mezzanine.
These proposals would represent a natural sequel to the work undertaken by the Commission in 2000-2002.
She had been forced into prudence in her youth, she learned romance as she grew older: the natural sequel of an unnatural beginning.