Farrell planned to have the musicians "render tunes a trifle faster than the natural stride" of Michigan's best performer in each event.
A front-drive elliptical machine, on the other hand, needs to use articulating pedals in order to match a natural stride and lacks the adjustable ramp of a rear-drive unit.
As the bay gelding stepped out into the very smooth flowing pace that was his natural stride, the admiral winced slightly and eased his butt.
Proponents of barefoot running believe wearing shoes hinders their natural stride, causing pain and injuries.
"The teardrop-shape design made for an easy natural stride," he said, "because I didn't step on the backs."
By being set closer or farther apart than a horse's natural stride, they encourage lengthening or shortening of the stride.
Nothing breaks the natural stride of the universe.
The pattern of bootmarks was consistently that of two people walking side by side, in the short strides natural to short legs.
Take a full natural stride, letting your legs be your locomotive.
It was meant not only to suggest an arrogant young swordsman, but also to disguise his own natural stride.